Having an online account makes managing multiple properties for your home or business simpler. Learn how to add or remove properties to manage your account and water use in one place.

Property managers: Please select 'business' to learn about managing your property portfolio.

Your online account allows you to manage your business water use and account needs for multiple properties. When you log in, head to the 'Manage' tab to see the properties for which you can manage account information.

Please keep in mind that the overview only displays properties that have alerts, such as overdue bills, upcoming and current outages, high water use, and estimated meter readings.

Updating your business details

To view or update your business details, such as the phone numbers, email and postal address, go to 'Manage billing'. 


Please note: The billing and contact details apply to all the properties associated with an organisation. For example, if you change the postal address, all future bills for the associated properties will be sent to the new address. If your business has different customer numbers, each customer number may have different contact details.


Customer numbers

Sometimes there may be multiple customer numbers associated with an organisation.

What is a customer number?
It‘s a unique number that differs from the property account number and is assigned to organisations registered with us.

Why do some organisations have multiple customer numbers?
Depending on how an organisation is set up, it is possible to have multiple customer numbers. Larger businesses may have smaller or different business groups within their organisation, resulting in multiple customer numbers.

Do multiple customer numbers impact my business?
If your organisation has different customer numbers, each customer number may have different contact details. In your online account, go to ‘Manage billing’ to check if your organisation has different customer numbers. This is where you can also see the contact and postal details under each customer number and update them when you need to change them.

Other account users

We'll send an email to notify your online account users when you update your business information. This ensures that anyone with access to your business or properties is aware of any changes to contact details that could impact bill delivery and account information.

Likewise, you'll receive an email when a user updates your business or property details online.

Add properties to your online account

Please log in to your online account, then go to the 'Manage’ tab, where you’ll see all the properties for which you can view account information. To manage additional properties, please follow the steps below.

  1. Select ‘show properties’.
  2. The properties listed in the ‘Show properties’ form are all the properties we’ve matched to your online account, but you can’t see their account information.
  3. To see the account information for these properties, please tick the checkbox. Now you'll be able to manage the property's billing, payments and water use. 

Can’t see the property?

If you can't see the property you need to add, please select 'Add property'. Then, grab a copy of the property's bill. You'll need the Electronic Reference Number (ERN) on the top right-hand side on the back of the bill. 

Property managers: If you are a property manager looking to start management of a new property, please complete the Start Management form to add a property. Once you've submitted the form, you'll receive the first bill for the property, including the ERN to register for an online account.

Your organisation’s properties

When you add an organisation, all the properties associated with the organisation will show in your online account. You'll see them listed on the 'Manage properties' page.

Please note: Other account users don't automatically get access to newly added organisations or properties. To grant access to your users, head to 'Manage users' and edit the account access. For more information, visit managing your users. 

Hiding organisations and properties

If you've sold a property or moved out, we’ll automatically remove it from your online account once the settlement agent or property manager notifies us.

However, if, for other reasons, you no longer need to manage a property in your online account, you can hide it.

  1. Log in to your online account, then go to the 'Manage’ tab, where you’ll see all your properties
  2. Select 'hide properties'. This will take you to the 'Hide properties form'
  3. To hide a property or organisation, please untick the checkbox next to the property on the table.

Your changes will be instantly reflected in your online account, and you won't see any billing, payment or water use information for the property.

Please note: Hiding properties or organisations from your online account will not impact any billing or other users. You'll continue to receive bills for the property.

Manage my properties

Add a property

If you manage several properties, including your place of residency, you can add the properties to your online account.

To add a property, you'll need to have a copy of the property’s water bill. The bill contains the Electronic Reference Number (ERN), which you need to link the property to your online account. The ERN is found on the top right-hand corner on the back of your bill.

  1. Please log in to your online account and find the house icon on the top right-hand side of the Bill & account page. From the drop-down options, select ‘add account’
  2. Then follow the prompts to add the property.

Once you have added the property, you can select it from the drop-down to view its bill, payment and water use information.

Remove a property

If you’re on the move or selling your property, you don’t need to do anything. We will remove the property from your online account when the settlement agent notifies us.

If you’re a tenant, your property manager or landlord will advise us about the change in tenancy. We’ll then remove the property from your online account.

To hide a property from your online account because you don’t need to manage the account information, please log in and find the house icon on the top right-hand side of the ‘Bill & account’ page.

  1. From the drop-down options, select ‘remove an account’
  2. On the following page, select the property you want to remove by choosing the property's address
  3. Select remove.
Manage my properties


Please contact us to arrange this, we will then discuss your options.

Your trade waste account may be under a different customer number. Please go to 'Manage' and select 'Show properties' to add an account with a trade waste permit. You'll need the ERN on the trade waste bill to add the account. Once you've completed these steps, you'll see your trade waste account information for that trade waste permit.