The streamflow figure shown is for all dams that supply the Integrated Water Supply Scheme, our largest scheme providing water for Perth, Goldfields and Agricultural Region and some parts of the South West.
Streamflow is recorded for the water year (May to April), it measures how much water flows into our dams and is a cumulative figure. The figures shown here include the Stirling and Samson Brook Dams.
The water in our dams is no longer made up of just streamflow from rain. Groundwater and desalinated water are stored in these dams during periods of low demand so it is available when it is most needed in the hotter months. Learn more about streamflow and why it's so important.
Our water overview
798 ML
Used yesterday
To 9am
May total
May average*
268 GL
Last year
284 GL
-16.2 GL
* Average monthly rainfall (for the period 1876 - 2016).
Dam volumes, rainfall and water use data is updated every working day, streamflow is updated weekly.
Data is cumulative for each year selected.
Select each point to see streamflow.
How climate change is impacting our water sources
Water sources for our largest scheme, the Integrated Water Supply Scheme (IWSS) which supplies Perth, the Goldfields and Agricultural Region and some parts of the South West have changed dramatically. Water for the IWSS is now comprised of a combination of sources, including desalinated seawater, groundwater, groundwater replenishment and streamflow into dams.
Traditionally, Perth relied heavily on streamflow into our dams as a water source, but declining streamflow has meant dams now play a bigger role as storage reservoirs. The water in our dams is no longer just made up of inflows from rain. Groundwater and desalinated water are stored in these dams during periods of low demand so it is available when it is most needed in the hotter months.
Perth's water sources at a glance
In 2022-23 the breakdown of Perth's water sources (IWSS) consisted of:
Groundwater replenishment
What is streamflow and why does it matter?
Also known as rainfall runoff, streamflow is the flow of water into streams, rivers and dams. Learn about streamflow and why it's important.