Securing supply
By 2035, providing our water use reduction and recycling targets are met, we expect a further 75 to 125 billion litres of additional climate resilient water will be required to support Perth's water needs.
To ensure we secure our water for future generations, we have a long-term plan. This will ensure Western Australians can continue to enjoy their enviable lifestyle.
Our plan for Perth
We will secure Perth's future water supply by:
- Continuing to help Perth households and businesses use even less water and make greater use of recycled water.
- Expanding our Groundwater Replenishment Scheme. Stage 2 of the Beenyup facility was completed in 2022. This stage doubled the recharge capacity of wastewater to 28 billion litres per year.
- Investigating further opportunities for reusing treated wastewater.
- Increasing the capacity of our existing desalination plants at Kwinana and Alkimos.
- Building a new desalination plant at Alkimos. At full capacity, the plant will supply 100 billion litres of water each year. The first stage will be ready in 2028, capable of supplying 50 billion litres.
- Transferring our groundwater abstraction to deeper aquifers to protect the groundwater environment. Using deep aquifers also secures our groundwater supplies.
- Using wastewater recycling as a resource for industry, public open spaces and agriculture.
- Continuing to make gains in water use efficiency through Waterwise Council and Business Programs.
Our strategies
Working with industry
We work with local governments, industry and business to reduce demand on our water sources.
Your water use
Are you as waterwise as you think? Use our handy tool to compare your water use with similar homes.