Table showing target and actual water use, dam levels, streamflow and rainfall
Target Actual
November water use to date

4.3 billion litres

3.9 billion litres
Dam storage levels N/A 63.7%
Monthly streamflow into dams N/A 1.15 billion litres
November rainfall to date 22.4 mm (November average rainfall 1876-2016) 0.8 mm
Note: 1 billion litres = approximately 400 Olympic swimming pools. Please note the figures in this table are rounded (except for rainfall) to the nearest whole number.

Water use 

Average water use over the past week was 749 million litres per day – below the demand forecast of 854 million litres per day.

Daily water use for the last 5 days

Table showing daily water use for the last 5 days
Date Actual water use (million litres) Forecast water use (million litres)
05/11/2021 780 866
04/11/2021 756 866
03/11/2021 734 866
02/11/2021 729 866
01/11/2021 797 836
Note, water use is calculated up to 8am each day for the previous 24 hour period.

Since 1 July 2021 to date, we have used 83.6 billion litres of water – which is 0.90 billion litres above the forecast target for this period.

Dam levels (total for 15 dams)

The dam storage levels are slightly up on last week and are sitting at a combined 63.7 per cent* of full capacity.

*Please note some dams are filled from different sources - dam levels include the transfer of groundwater and desalinated seawater from treatment plants as well as streamflow (that comes from rainfall). As we use many different sources of water, dams are no longer an accurate indicator of the health of Perth's overall water supply situation.

Streamflow (total for 15 dams)

From 1 May 2021, the dams have received 133.8 billion litres of streamflow. The post-1975 average for the May to April period (called the streamflow year) is 177.9 billion litres.

Annual rainfall

Perth has received 841.2 mm of rainfall since 1 January 2021. The average (1876-2016) rainfall for the same period to the end of November is 831.4 mm.

General water news

If you follow Water Corporation on social media, you may have seen our recent Halloween video reminding Western Australians to only flush the three P’s - pee, poo and (toilet) paper (if you didn’t, check it out here!).


With Spring entertaining well and truly upon us, there’s no better time to scrub up on waste disposal tips (no pun intended) following entertainment with family and friends, to save yourself a plumbing nightmare!


This includes:

  • Pouring leftover fat, oil and grease into a container and disposing of it in the bin
  • Using a sink strainer to catch leftovers when rinsing
  • Leaving a bin in your bathroom so guests can dispose of wet wipes and sanitary items correctly rather than putting them down the toilet

As tempting as it may be, please do not throw or flush it all down. Wastewater systems are designed for human waste and toilet paper only.


For more information on what not to flush, visit