Our structure
We're owned by the Western Australian Government and represented by the Minister for Water the Hon. Simone McGurk MLA.
Minister - Hon. Simone McGurk MLA
Interim Chairman of the Board - David Lock
Board of Directors
Chief Executive Officer - Pat Donovan
Reporting to the CEO, our groups are:
General Manager – Evan Hambleton
- Aboriginal Affairs
- Asset Investment Planning Metro
- Asset Investment Planning Regional
- Asset Strategy
- Development Services
- Engineering
- Environment
- Project Management
General Manager – Karen Willis
- Customer Service
- Customer and Community Relations
- Customer Billing Operations
- Brand and Customer Strategy
- Corporate Affairs
Chief Financial Officer – Dean Page
- Asset Investment
- Procurement and Property
- Risk and Assurance
- Financial services
- Strategy and Performance
- Legal services
General Manager – Jane Mitchell
- Data and Analytics
- Information Technology Services
- Projects and Portfolio Delivery
- Operational Technology
- Strategy Architecture and Security
General Manager – Barry Ford
- Goldfields and Agricultural Region
- Great Southern Region
- Mid West Region
- North West Region
- Operational Asset Management
- Operations Centre
- Operations Performance
- Perth Region - Field Services
- South West Region
- Treatment and Resource Recovery
- Water Quality
General Manager – Sarah Bagshawe
- People and Capability
- Safety and Wellbeing
General Manager - Jax Harding
- People Transformation and Change
- Portfolio Management Office
- Transformation Design Authority
- Transformation Performance Improvement