A Works Agreement is a 'one-off' upfront agreement between Water Corporation and developers and remains in place for the duration of the development.

Land developments that create over 30 lots under one stage, or developments which create more than 10 lots over multiple stages, are required to enter into a Works Agreement. You will also need to produce a concept plan.

Land developments that create between 10 and 30 lots, and don’t have multiple stages, are required to enter into a Works Agreement. Your are not required to submit a concept plan.

   Under 10 lots

10 - 30 lots and only
One stage

10 or more lots and/or
Multiple stages
 Land Development Agreement Required Not required  Not required 
 Works Agreement Not eligible  Required Required 
 Concept plan Not required Not required  Required 
 Early clearance Not eligible Eligible  Eligible 
 Security required Not required On discretion* Not required 

Concept plans bring our conceptual network planning and your land development together.

They guide the orderly and efficient delivery of works at each stage of the development and identify any design constraints at the earliest possible time.

For the latest planning information and to ensure your concept plan includes long term scheme planning, request a Planning Information Pack.

More information and requirements to produce a concept plan is available in our Developers Manual.

Developers can get clearance of subdivision conditions before completing the necessary works under a Works Agreement. Requests for early clearance are required for each stage and we assess these on a case-by-case basis.

To get early clearance of subdivision you must:

Once you complete the above steps, we’ll assess your request against the terms of the Works Agreement. If you meet all of the conditions, we’ll agree to early clearance of the subdivision conditions. We’ll issue a Service Obligation Date (SOD), which is generally 22 weeks from the clearance date, unless stated or agreed otherwise.

Under a Works Agreement, the assessment of performance will be made against the developer and representatives. This will include but not be limited to:

  • SOD date achieved
  • Extension to the SOD date received in writing within allocated timeframe
  • Works delivered to Water Corporation standards with no defects identified
  • As constructed drawings provided within allocated timeframes
  • All other conditions within the Works Agreement achieved
If we find there is a history of poor performance, the developer and representatives may need to provide evidence to show why they should be eligible for future early clearances. 

The Works Agreement covers the works shown on your Concept Plans. It sets the terms and conditions for early clearances before any stage designs occur.

The Notice of Requirements (NoR) is provided for each stage (within 35 days of the accepted design submission) and itemises actions to be completed, specific to the subdivision stage. It includes:

  • Plans of lots to be serviced [Schedule 1]
  • Financial contributions [Schedule 2]
  • Clearance checklist

  • Approval of applications is at our discretion, including altering the time allocated to complete the works.
  • We are indemnified from all costs arising from your default on any term or condition.
  • The financial institution providing the guarantee must meet our requirements and have no interest in the development.
  • The agreements only apply to water and wastewater reticulation works to developments.
  • You must agree to meet all construction costs.
  • If you fail to complete works by agreed service obligation dates, you may not qualify to receive any further clearances.

More information

Please email us or call (08) 9420 2099.