Small leaks can quickly become big problems, particularly in holiday homes which are often vacant.

Why check for leaks

While some leaks are obvious, like a dripping tap or a running toilet, there are also leaks that are harder to spot. These could be underground in your garden, in your reticulation system, in walls and almost anywhere else your water pipes run.

At holiday homes that are often left vacant for long periods, these leaks can go from being small drips to big costly ones without anyone noticing.

For example, a leak rate of one litre per minute which isn’t identified, could cost around $200 over a two-monthly billing cycle. If the leak isn’t fixed , it will continue to cause larger bills until it’s located and fixed.

Leaks can also cause water damage to your home when water gets where it shouldn’t, which can be expensive to repair.

How to spot a leak early

Next time you’re at your holiday house, there are a few easy steps you can take to check if you have a leak, locate it and fix it.

Start by using our leak detection tool. The tool will ask you to turn off all water using appliances in the property for 15 minutes, and read your meter at the beginning and end of this time. This will tell you if you have a leak, the size of it, and how much it might be costing you.

You can then follow the steps to find your leak, and contact a waterwise plumber to get it fixed.

Have a go at making the leak detection tool a regular part of your holiday routine, particularly if you have an older home. It only takes 15 minutes and can really pay off in the long run.

Stay on top of rented holiday homes as well

If you rent out your holiday home, ask your guests to let you know if they spot a leak during their stay. You could leave a note in the kitchen to remind them, include it in their confirmation email or as a reminder on your website.

If you’re staying at someone else’s holiday home, a caravan park or any other accommodation, always let the manager know if you spot a leak. You’ll be helping them save money, and helping WA save precious water for when we need it most.