Find out the fees relating to the connection of water and fire services, water service relocations and disconnections, and for upgrading or downgrading water services.

Service connections and relocations

Perth region

Charges relating to connection fees apply only in the Perth Region, except where special circumstances apply where a quote is required.

Other regions

All connections in non-metropolitan regions must be quoted.

Special circumstances

A quote may be required for connections such as water services, fire services, relocations, and downgrading or upgrading a water service in a built up area such as a central business district. Charges will need to be assessed on a case by case basis in these areas due to the costs of traffic management, access and restoration.

Service connections (includes fire services)

Water supply service connection fees  

Service size Water connection fee
20mm $1,738.67
25mm $2,227.96
40mm $3,940.49
50mm $5,303.82
 80mm $9,049.85
 100mm $9,049.85
 150mm $11,895.70

Note: Infrastructure contributions apply to water services for multi-residential, non-residential or mixed use developments.

Service relocations

Water supply service relocation fees  

Service size Under 500mm Over 500mm
20mm $971.27 $1,919.54
25mm $1,237.87 $2,407.79
40mm $2,176.73 $4,121.36
50mm $2,924.26 $5,482.60
 80mm At cost $9,229.67
100mm At cost $9,229.67
150mm At cost $12,076.57


Downgrading / upgrading water services
Service Cost
Downgrade water service A quote is required and actual costs will be charged.
Upgrade water service
Full cost of new service (includes disconnection), infrastructure contributions may also apply.
Upgrade fire service Full cost of new service. Disconnection fees also apply if the service is required in a new location.


Water supply service activation fees  

Service activation fee $204.93


Water supply disconnection fee

Disconnection of a water or a fire service $1,234.74

Installation of sub-meters

Installation of sub-meters fees

Sub-meter application fee $124.11
Sub-meter supply and install fee (per meter) $194.11

Meter boxes

Meter boxes fees  
Meter box and cover (trafficable) $212.68
 Meter box - supply and install  $550.20

How to get a quote

If you would like a quotation of the fees that may apply to your building or water service application, please lodge a 'Quote request' through BuilderNet.

More information

Please complete our enquiry form if you require further information.