• Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2019-2024 focuses on developing contemporary practices to ensure access and inclusion for all
  • Water Corporation commits to achieving workforce participation of people with disability to three per cent over coming two years
  • Today is International Day of People with Disability and this year's theme is 'Promoting the participation of persons with disabilities and their leadership: taking action on the 2030 Development Agenda' 

Water Minister Dave Kelly has today commended the Water Corporation on the launch of its Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP) 2019-2024.


It coincides with Disability Services Minister Stephen Dawson today tabling his Minister's DAIP Progress Report which provides status updates on 208 authorities' compliance under the Disability Services Act 1993. This year, all agencies achieved 100 per cent compliance.


The fourth DAIP released since 2006 challenges previous outcomes, and aligns with the McGowan Government's vision of creating inclusive and accessible communities that empower Western Australians with disability to achieve their goals.


The five-year plan provides a framework for the State-owned water utility to identify access and inclusion barriers, and outlines seven key outcomes to ensure improved access for all. 


Outcomes centre on ensuring the Water Corporation's information, facilities, services and events meet the needs of the diverse community it employs and serves.


The Water Corporation has also committed to increasing employment of people with disability to three per cent of its workforce by 2021.


To help achieve these outcomes, the Water Corporation has established an internal working group to provide input and feedback on proactive initiatives as well as forming important relationships with the Activ Foundation and Work Focus.


For more information or to provide comment on the DAIP 2019-2024, visit the Water Corporation's website at http://www.watercorporation.com.au/DAIP


Comments attributed to Water Minister Dave Kelly:


"The McGowan Government is committed to making our community more inclusive and empowering Western Australians with disability to achieve their goals.


"I commend the Water Corporation on taking a proactive approach to ensure people with disability have the same opportunities to access and participate in a full range of opportunities.


"I encourage members of the community to provide comment on this important plan and the initiatives it outlines, and to offer advice on how the Water Corporation can improve access and inclusion for all."


Comments attributed to Disability Services Minister Stephen Dawson:


"Public authorities are in a unique position to develop and ensure inclusive workplaces for tens of thousands of Western Australians as well as to influence attitudes and values across the community.


"As reported to Parliament today, WA's public authorities have achieved 100 per cent compliance on access and inclusion for people with disability under the requirements of the Disability Services Act 1993.


"The State Government's vision is for all Western Australians to live in a welcoming and inclusive community.


"Good access and inclusion benefits the whole community and provides a basis for addressing the restrictions to social and economic participation that impact community wellbeing and economic growth.


"The consultation undertaken with stakeholders in the development of the Government's State Disability Strategy throughout 2019 will provide the insights to drive future improvements to the inclusion and empowerment of people with disability."


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Contact: Water Minister's office

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