• Helen Creed appointed to Water Corporation board
  • Brings considerable experience in the public and private sectors 

Water Minister Dave Kelly has welcomed the appointment of experienced legal administrator and former social services director Helen Creed to Water Corporation's Board of Directors. 


Ms Creed brings considerable experience as the former executive director of the Community Legal Centres Association of WA, and has held senior positions with the Western Australian Council of Social Services, Department of Communities, and Department of Consumer and Employment Protection.


Ms Creed is also the current chairperson of Regional Early Education and Development Inc and the Victoria Park Youth Accommodation, as well as a board member for Child Australia and Children Integrated Management Services.


Ms Creed has been appointed to fill the remaining vacant position on the Water Corporation's board for a three-year term.


She joins Water Corporation's board alongside chairperson Ross Love, deputy chairperson David Lock, CEO Pat Donovan and directors Ross Holt, Gningala Yarran-Mark and Dr Carla Boehl.


Comments attributed to Water Minister Dave Kelly:


"Ms Creed brings extensive board and professional experience in the public and private sectors to the role.


"Her wealth of experience in the community and social services sectors will also complement and extend the board's existing skillset, and help ensure informed decisions continue to be made in the interests of all Water Corporation stakeholders. 


"Ms Creed's appointment represents another important step towards increasing the representation of women on government boards, which is an important focus of the McGowan Government." 


Minister's office - 6552 6100