One of our Great Southern Region’s waterwise schools has been learning about the value of water. Braeside Primary is nestled in the heart of wheatbelt country. Katanning is home to the Noongar people. There are also large Malay, Afghan and Chinese populations.

This melting pot of cultures enriches Katanning’s history, community and water stories. The Year 2 students set off to explore how the community use water.

Braeside Primary School Year 2 students

Braeside Primary School Year 2 students

Water in Aboriginal Culture 

According to the Shire of Katanning, KAAT-NYINY is a local Noongar word meaning the head sits here. It comes from the Dreamtime story of Mulka. 

Students heard about the strong connection Aboriginal people have to water. They couldn't believe water management practices were over 60,000 years. “That’s older than mum” one student shouted!


A day in the life of a farmer 

Katanning’s young water warriors next learnt from a local farmer about his water story. Students were shocked to hear the crop isn’t watered with a hose. They were also surprised to learn how valuable the farmer said water was. Water is important to grow wheat, give to the sheep and run the household. Showers on the farm are under 2 minutes and nothing is ever wasted. 

After the talk, shower timers were given out to the students to practice having a 4-minute shower. And they have been a hit their teacher Miss Dufall said, “I had parents messaging me to thank me for sending them home, "finally, shorter showers!".”

On the way to securing our water future 

Many other local stories were shared around the classroom. Everyone had a story to tell about how their family use water. Miss Dufall was delighted with how interested her students were in these lessons. The students saw “it's important to not waste water and appreciate everything it does for us.”

Miss Dufall went on to explain “If they begin caring for their environment and natural resources now, then imagine the changes this generation could make as they're growing up!”

Tapping into Water Corporation resources 

Conservation and sustainability are key to securing WA's water future. Our Waterwise Schools Program empowers students like Braeside Primary School to take conservation-based action. We have many resources online to help teachers and parents in their sustainability journey.

To tap into our online resources, visit our Education page