Shires of Kulin and Lake Grace


Water Corporation continues to monitor water levels in the North Lake Grace tank which has almost fully recovered.


As a result, the standpipe in Kulin on Tarin Rock Rd North has now been reopened. This is in addition to the six standpipes in Lake Grace that were reopened last week.


The two standpipes that remain closed until further notice are on Gimble Road in Lake Grace and Kulin-Lake Grace Rd in Kulin.


We continue to work with the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER) and both Shires to identify opportunities for non-scheme dependent sources of water, for contingency and non-drinking purposes such as stock watering and crop spraying.  People requiring access to water for farming businesses should contact DWER on 1800 780 300 or


Water Corporation would like to thank standpipe users for their understanding and support during this time.


Media Enquiries:

Contact: Media line

Phone: (08)9420 2555