If you need to have your meter relocated or disconnected, or request a new meter, follow the steps below.

Relocating a meter

Before we can relocate your meter, you will need to pay for a licensed plumber to relocate all the internal pipework. Any plumbing work carried out in WA must be completed by a licensed plumber. 

Your plumber will work with you to determine a suitable location for your meter and will relocate your internal pipework to the new location.

Water Corporation will not be able to relocate your water meter if your internal pipework has not been relocated.

More information about clearances and requirements can be found on our relocate a water meter page.

You can request to have your meter moved by submitting a ‘water service application’ in BuilderNet.

Please refer to our water supply service fees for further information about the cost of meter relocations.

Disconnecting a water supply service

It is recommended that where the water service is no longer required that it be disconnected to protect pipes and meters from damage or theft, and also to reduce the risk of water waste. Property owners are liable for all the associated costs.

If the water service is still required after demolition (e.g. for future development) a licensed plumber must secure the internal water service in a manner that complies with the appropriate plumbing regulations and standards.

We will not disconnect the water supply to an occupied dwelling [Water Services Act 2012 section 95(3)].

How much will it cost?

The fee to disconnect a water service is $1,234.74.

Please note that if a new water service is installed at a later date, full cost of the water service will apply.

How to apply

To disconnect an existing water service you will need to submit a 'water service application' in BuilderNet.

Read about requesting a new meter.

Frequently asked questions

A licensed plumber will need to relocate your internal pipework and install a temporary service line to the existing meter location to ensure your water service continues. We are not authorised to install the temporary water service line between the water meter and the internal pipework as this is regulated plumbing work, so this is why you need to pay a licensed plumber to undertake this portion of the work.

Once the internal pipework has been relocated by a licensed plumber, we can move your meter to the new location and connect the internal pipework to the relocated meter.

To find out more and request a relocation visit our relocating a water meter page. Please contact us on 13 13 95 to discuss the costs associated with moving a meter or refer to our water supply service fees.

For more information on internal plumbing, please visit the Department of Mines, Industry Regulations and Safety (DMIRS) website or call the DMIRS Plumbers Technical Advice Line on 1300 360 897. 

Yes, we supply and install sub-meters for multi-residential developments, typically strata schemes, which have three units or more or strata-titled commercial lots. Please note that it is your responsibility to have a licensed plumber install all the internal pipe work from the meter to each building.

Already established residential buildings:

  • Arrange for a licensed plumber to modify your private plumbing so that a sub-meter can be installed. Once this has been done, you should apply to us so we can supply and install the sub-meters. This means all units in the complex would have to have sub meters installed.

Commercial Property to apply for sub metering:

  • If the commercial property is strata titled, then the same options apply as for residential.

In certain circumstances we may be able to install your meter in a box. There are strict conditions around this so please contact us at building.services@watercorporation.com.au or call 13 13 95 for more information.