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[Voiceover]: There’s a reason why lawn is a popular choice for many homes. It helps with urban cooling as well as providing an open area for outdoor play and entertaining. But it’s important to make sure your lawn is water efficient, especially in our changing climate.

Making sure your lawn is waterwise starts with the variety you select for planting. In WA you are going to have the best success by selecting a warm season variety.

These varieties grow best in temperatures between 27-30 degrees Celsius so are perfect for our warm climate, they’re heat and drought tolerant and use minimal water compared to cooler season varieties.

Some warm season varieties include soft leaf buffalo, velvetene, couch, kikuyu, zoysia and Queensland blue.

Once you’ve selected a warm season variety, it’s time to plant. The first step is to clear your site and create a smooth soil surface about 30-50mm below the level of paths and driveways. If you are going to irrigate your lawn, its important you install that first.

Remember if you’re not sure to speak to a Waterwise Garden Irrigator for expert advice. You should also always make sure your soil has been improved with organic matter, clay and a soil wetting agent if it has dry pockets before planting your lawn.

Laying turf is simple enough, Begin laying your turf along the longest straight edge, staggering the joints like brickwork. After laying, use a roller to encourage soil to turf roots contact removing air pockets and water thoroughly. Apply an organic fertiliser 14 days after installation.

For more information, visit watercorporation.com.au