Through improved visibility of your water use our data logging and leak detection service can help your business save water.

What is a data logger?

A data logger is a small device we fit to your water meter to measure your water use 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

With a data logger, you can access water use data online to identify any unexplained water losses such as leaks, faulty equipment or excessive irrigation.

Apply for a data logger

Data loggers are available to business customers consuming more than 5,000 kilolitres of scheme water per year or if you suspect a large water loss. We can install one to assist you for up to 3 months at no cost. To register your interest, please get in touch with

Benefits of a data logger

  • Data loggers measure how water is used at your property in hourly or 15 minute intervals, making any abnormal use easy to spot.
  • Data loggers can assist to identify issues such as baseflow, leaking pipes, broken fixtures, and incorrectly set irrigation systems.
  • Save money by identifying and resolving abnormal water losses.
  • Improve your environmental performance by using less water to deliver the same products and services.
  • Demonstrate your commitment to corporate social responsibility and promote your environmental credentials.

What is Baseflow?

Baseflow is defined as any continuous water use in your business, that can’t be explained by normal business activity. It is often measured in litres per minute or litres per hour. Any baseflow should always be investigated to ensure that you don’t have a leak.

Water use should be zero for most businesses that shut down overnight. The easiest way to confirm if you have any baseflow is to take a meter reading during shutdown and then another before you start up again. If any water has been used overnight, you may have baseflow, and we recommend further investigation. If your business operates 24 hours a day, a data logger can still assist with assessing whether a baseflow is present.

Get more tips on detecting leaks for businesses.

Not only does this save time for you and your plumber when locating a problem - it will save you money too!

Apply for a data logger