Cocos Island SDP and WWTP upgrade
Opening date: 11:00am WST Monday 13 November 2023
Closing date: 2:30pm WST Tuesday 21 December 2023
We invite organisations with suitable experience and capability (in water treatment including reverse osmosis, civil, structural, mechanical, electrical and SCADA) to submit a bid for the above referred bid invitation.
In brief, the scope of works will generally entail two separable portions (SP) being:
SP 1. Seawater Desalination Plant (SDP)
The design, procurement, manufacture, supply, construction, installation, integration, testing and commissioning and process facilities for the Cocos-Keeling West Island SDP inclusive of pre-treatment, desalination and post treatment as well as all required storage tanks, pump stations and all associated ancillary infrastructure works as described in the specifications, drawings and Engineering Summary Report.
SP 2. Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) upgrade
The design, procurement, manufacture, supply, construction, installation, integration, testing and commissioning for upgrade of the Cocos Keeling West Island WWTP inclusive of pre-treatment/screening, aerators, temporary storage tanks, pump stations, polymer dosing, and all associated buildings and ancillary infrastructure works as described in the specifications, drawings and Engineering Summary Report.
The bid invitation documents may be accessed on 11:00am WST, Monday, 13 November 2023 to companies registered in eProcurement (Supplier Portal) as Water Corporation suppliers or bidders. Access to the Supplier Portal can be found here. If you are not a registered Water Corporation supplier or bidder, please complete the online Supplier Registration Form. Please be aware, this may take up to five days to process.
Please note this project will primarily be funded by the Commonwealth Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts and other Commonwealth Government Agencies. Bidders will need to be accredited by the Federal Safety Commissioner under the Commonwealth Governments Work Health and Safety Accreditation Scheme.
It is mandatory that all bidders achieve Water Corporation Health Safety and Environment (HSE) Prequalification to Tier 1 before contract award. Bidders must register for prequalification prior to submission of their bid. This application can be lodged while registering for Supplier Portal access. Information on HSE Tier levels is available here.
Enquiries should be directed to:
John Luu