Broome wastewater and water upgrades
Project goal:
To upgrade Broome North Water Resource Recovery Facility to enable treatment of all of Broome's wastewater. The project will allow the closure of Broome South Water Resource Recovery Facility.
Delivery Date:
What's happening?
Water Corporation will upgrade the Broome North Water Resource Recovery Facility (formerly called Broome North Wastewater Treatment Plant), enabling it to treat all of Broome’s wastewater. This will cater for the town’s long-term population growth, and deliver environmental, community and tourism benefits.
The project will allow the closure of Broome South Water Resource Recovery Facility to help protect the iconic Roebuck Bay, which is an area of high conservation value and national and international environmental significance.
A new underground pipeline will transfer wastewater to Broome North Water Resource Recovery Facility. This new pipeline will be constructed in the Water Corporation easement of the existing buried pipeline.
A separate project will provide new and repurposed infrastructure for a replacement non-potable irrigation scheme for the town's 43.5 hectares of green space. The green space includes playing fields, school oval and the Broome golf course, comprises the majority of public open space in Broome, and provides significant public amenity, social and economic benefit for the community.
The potable water bore field in Broome will also be expanded to support the town's development beyond 2050.
Where is this happening?
The work will take place at Broome South Water Resource Recovery Facility and Broome North Water Resource Recovery Facility.
The new pipeline will be constructed in the road reserve of Clementson Street, Dora Street, Robert Street, Forrest Street, Hopton Street, Robinson Street, Guy Street, Hamersley Street, Weld Street, Napier Terrace, Bagot Street, Old Broome Road, Broome Road, Wattyl Drive, and within the pipeline easement heading east to the facility.
Why is this taking place?
This work will ensure the protection of Roebuck Bay and secure a supply of non-potable water to keep Broome’s open spaces green. It will deliver a long-term, environmentally sustainable solution to support the town’s development beyond 2050.
When is this taking place?
Preliminary work started in September 2020. Construction started in early 2022 and project completion was announced in late 2023 by the Minister for Water.
How will this impact the community?
The community may notice noise, dust and activity in the area during pipeline construction. Traffic management will be in place as required. The remaining construction work will take place within the sites of the existing resource recovery facilities.
How have you considered the environment?
The route of the planned pipeline has been selected to minimise clearing and avoid significant trees identified during the Aboriginal heritage survey with Traditional Owners. Water Corporation will ensure all efforts are taken to protect historical sites and significant trees during the project. These significant trees are illustrated as red dots on the Tree Map (see Related documents).
The dots in green are those trees that we are going to do our best to avoid and we have committed to consult with the Shire before removing.
Referring to the Tree Map, at the northern end of Weld Street, the pipeline will pass through the corridor. Although there are a lot of green and red dots there, we will not remove those trees and will instead go through the car park. Some trees in the verge may be removed along Hamersley Street and we will consult with the Shire of Broome prior to removing those trees. The route of the planned pipeline is within existing service corridors to minimise disturbance.
Any trees and vegetation will be removed under an approved Clearing Permit. Any exotic trees removed will be replaced with natives in consultation with the Shire. Topsoil must be retained and put back so the area will naturally revegetate.
Contact us
Rachael Cutler - Community Engagement Specialist
Related documents
- Notice of Proposal - Broome Wastewater Upgrade Map 1 PDF 558KB
- Notice of Proposal - Broome Wastewater Upgrade Map 2 PDF 586KB
- Notice of Proposal – Broome Non Potable Irrigation PDF 339KB
- February 2022 update PDF 197KB
- December 2021 update PDF 295KB
- Tree Map - Dec 2021 PDF 894KB
- Notice of Proposal Broome Diversion Main PDF 350KB