Key achievements
  • 6 litres per minute saved in water use
  • 3,154kL of water per year saved
  • Saved $25,000 on unexplained water use

We were getting unexpectedly high water bills and needed a way to investigate the sudden change in our water consumption because we knew it wasn't due to operational changes or more customers. 

Without investigations and taking action, we would have spent close to $25,000 on unexplained water use, and wasted 6 litres of water per minute, adding up to a total of 3,154 kilolitres per year.

Finding the cause

We reached out to Water Corporation for advice, and to help investigate the cause of our water use increase, we used a data logger's services. A data logger provides live water use data to help determine when water is being used and identify leaks.

To find the problem we:

  • undertook 2 daily meter readings
  • completed a site audit followed by systematically isolating different sections of the park by turning off isolation valves.

Through leak investigation and isolation, our plumber was able to identify and repair 2 significant leaks in the pipe system.


How the work was carried out
Equipment used Investigation undertaken Waterwise services
Isolation valves 2 daily meter readings Local plumber
site audit followed by systematic monitoring via isolation valves

What we’re doing now

We've had a zero-use reading during the night since the repair, which is what it should have been all along.